这篇文章将讲讲世界上最便宜的绿卡项目之一,——瓦努阿图永居。 瓦努阿图概况 瓦努阿图共和国(Republic of Vanuatu) 是一个临近新西兰和澳大利亚的太平洋岛国。 通用英语 避税天堂 风景优美 人口仅30万 经济来源主要是旅游、农产品等,很穷 移民政策特别宽
Chinese PR Card Application (investment/talent introduction/family reunion/join program)
中华人民共和国外国人永久居留身份证 专业服务
Expertise in Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card of the People’s Republic of China
Chinese PR card is a legal proof of identity for foreigners who permanently reside in China. In principle, the rightful holders of Chinese PR card have the same rights as Chinese citizens, they can reside in China without time limit, take jobs freely, joint the social security insurance and provident fund program, purchase self-use or owner-occupied commercial housing, and their children can receive compulsory education. Chinese PR card can be obtained through five programs including husband-wife reunion, parent-child reunion, relative join, employment, investment and entrepreneur. Unitrans will customize your application documents for sooner approval in exchange of service charge of RMB 50,000.
Conditions for Chinese PR Card Application (investment/talent introduction/family reunion/join program)
1. 中国公民或者在中国获得永久居留资格的外国人的配偶,婚姻关系存续满五年、已在中国连续居留满五年、每年在中国居留不少于九个月且有稳定生活保障和住所的
Spouse of a Chinese citizen or a foreigner holding Chinese PR card, who has a marriage relationship with the said Chinese citizen or the said foreigner that has lasted for five years, has lived in China for five consecutive years, has stayed in China for at least nine months every year and has a stable means of livelihood and residence;
2. 未满18周岁未婚子女投靠父母的,孩子出生时父母有当地国家绿卡
Unmarried child under 18 years old seeking to join his/her parents, whose parents held PR card when she/he was born;
3. 在境外无直系亲属,投靠境内直系亲属,且年满60周岁、已在中国连续居留满五年、每年在中国居留不少于九个月并有稳定生活保障和住所的。
Individual over 60 years old with no immediate family member out of China seeking to join immediate family member in China, who has lived in China for five consecutive years, has stayed in China for at least nine months every year and has a stable means of livelihood and residence;
4. 在中国直接投资、连续三年投资情况稳定且纳税记录良好;
Individual who has direct investment in China and the investment project remains reliable for consecutive three years with good taxpaying record;
5. 在中国担任副总经理、副厂长等职务以上或者具有副教授、副研究员等副高级职称以上以及享受同等待遇,已连续任职满四年、四年内在中国居留累计不少于三年且纳税记录良好的
Individual who serves as deputy general manager, deputy director or other higher level position in China or has deputy senior professional titles such as associate professor or associate researcher and enjoys equal treatment, has held office for four consecutive years, and has accumulatively stayed in China for at least three years in the past four years with good taxpaying record;
6. 对中国有重大、突出贡献以及国家特别需要的;
Individual with great contributions to China, or specially demanded by China;
Spouse or unmarried children under 18 years old of the individual referred to in paragraph 4, 5 and 6.
How to apply for a Chinese PR card (investment/talent introduction/family reunion/join program)
1、签约 Contract signing
Sign a contract with Unitrans
2、收集材料 Documents collection
Relevant documents will be collected according to your condition, with part of them translated and notarized
3、递交材料 Documents submission
Documents will be submitted to municipal public security authorities
4、获签 Approval
Chinese PR card/ the Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card of the People’s Republic of China will be issued.
Chinese PR card application fee: RMB 55,300
移民咨询微信号:fczg336 或联系:whatsApp:+852 54843678 本文源自头条号:世联翻译公司 如有侵权,请联系删除。
作为欧洲黄金签证的开拓者,葡萄牙是首个批给早期移民者永居身份的国家。 在全球年度十大黄金签证排行榜中,葡萄牙位居欧洲黄金居留第一位! 移民葡萄牙最被熟知的方式是购房移民,分别有50万欧元购房移民和35万欧元购房移民。 而为了满足不断增长的移民需求